ATTI Code of Ethics

ATTI Code of Ethics

  • defines and promotes ethical principles

  • sets specific standards of our Autogenic Therapists including our teachers of Autogenic Therapy.

  • protects members of the public

  • makes clear what is considered ethical professional conduct by Autogenic Therapists.

Autogenic Therapy means any form of therapy using Autogenic techniques as developed by Professor Johannes Schultz and Dr. Wolfgang Luthe and further developed as the result of new scientific findings.

Autogenic Therapist means any Autogenic Therapist that has undertaken professional training accredited by Autogenic Training Institute and that qualifies for Membership with Australian Autogenic Society.

Autogenic Therapist-in-Training means a student of Autogenic Therapy who is in training whether for personal or professional purposes and under the supervision of an Autogenic Training Institute endorsed Autogenic Therapist.

Autogenic Training is synonymous with Autogenic Therapy (Standard or Level 1)

Client means any party (whether student, trainee, patient or client) receiving a service, paid or pro-bono, related to Autogenic Therapy by a teacher or guest teacher of Autogenic Training Institute.

A: Regard for the rights of others
A.1. Autogenic Therapists respect the dignity and the legal and moral rights of their clients.
A.2. Autogenic Therapists deal with all clients in a non-discriminatory manner.
A.3. Autogenic Therapists endeavour to be sensitive to issues of race, gender, religion, multiculturalism and disability.
A.4. Autogenic Therapists treat their colleagues in a respectful and objective manner.
A.5. Autogenic Therapists, when required to comment about the competencies of colleagues, do so in a fair, objective and professional manner.

B: Integrity
B.1. Autogenic Therapists recognize that the relationship they have with their clients is a privileged one and that they are in a position of trust. They conduct themselves honourably and are committed to the best interests of their clients.
B.2. Autogenic Therapists maintain appropriate boundaries expected of a client-therapist relationship.
B.3. Autogenic Therapists must not make any statements or claims that misrepresent their level of competency or the potential of the outcomes of their services.
B.4. Autogenic Therapists do not exploit their relationships with their assistants, students, colleagues or employees nor do they exploit people with whom they have or had a professional relationship.
B.5. Autogenic Therapists who provide the service of Autogenic Psychotherapy do not accept as a client a person with whom they have engaged in sexual activity.
B.6. Autogenic Therapists do not engage in sexual activity with a former client of Autogenic Psychotherapy within two years after the professional relationship has ceased.
B.7. Autogenic Therapists cooperate with ethics investigations and proceedings instituted by the Society.

C: Obtaining Consent
C.1. Autogenic Therapists explain to clients upfront the nature of the service that they will provide.
C.2. Autogenic Therapists will inform the clients upfront of the expected duration and frequency of therapy as well as the costs, payment methods, possible outcomes and ‘risks’ associated with the service.
C.3. Autogenic Therapists will explain how client files will be stored and for how long however this is not required when Autogenic Training is delivered in a workshop format.
C.4. Autogenic Therapists must obtain informed consent from the client if they need to reveal to or obtain from as associated party client information for the purpose of enhancing therapeutic outcomes.

D: Privacy and Confidentiality
D.1. Autogenic Therapists respect the privacy and confidentiality of their clients.
D.2. Autogenic Therapists are aware of and uphold all the legal requirements pertaining to note taking, note keeping and releasing of confidential client information.
D.3. Autogenic Therapists store client notes in a safe, confidential and secure manner.
D.4. Autogenic Therapists must inform clients upfront of any circumstances, legal, professional or otherwise where confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
D.5. Autogenic Therapists, if using client information for the purpose of research, teaching or for peer discussion, must keep private the identity of the client unless the client has provided informed consent.

E: Professional Competency
E.1. Autogenic Therapists only provide their services within the boundaries of their professional competence. They work within the limits of their education, training and professional experience.
E.2. Autogenic Therapists refer clients on if they present with conditions that lie outside the boundary of the Autogenic Therapist’s competencies.
E.3. Autogenic Therapists undertake peer consultation and only provide Autogenic Therapy if emotionally, mentally and physically equipped to do so.
E.4. Autogenic Therapists comply with the law of the jurisdiction at their place of practice.
E.5. Autogenic Therapists are involved in the self-practise of Autogenic Therapy for personal purposes thereby enhancing their competency as therapists.

F: Conduct of Autogenic Therapists-in-Training
F.1. Autogenic Therapists ensure that their students fully understand and implement the provisions of the Code of Ethics.
F.2. Autogenic Therapists closely supervise their students and make sure that services provided by their students are performed within the boundaries of their competencies.

G: Taking and Keeping Records
G.1. Autogenic Therapists take appropriate records and keep them safely and securely for the period of time as required by legal and organisational requirements.

H: Research and Authorship
H.1. Autogenic Therapists ensure that they accurately report the data they have collected and the results of their research.
H.2. Autogenic Therapists assign authorship in a manner that is a fair representation of the work that people have actually performed or contributed.